Awarding Financial Assistance 2015-16

29/01/2016 11:00

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In all this year we have supported more than eighty students financially.

Academic Year 2015-2016:    This year at the start of the session we had  received more than ninety applications for financial assistance from the needy. Going through the majority of requests and the family details would make all of us almost cry. We, the privileged, cry and complain. We don't mind spending a few thousand rupees for a dinner or a party and this is sometimes more than some families monthly income. In spite of all this there is a will in them to want to study. To want to be something in life. Hopeless is not their view or condition. But one can surely say a great handicap these students are facing. Handicap - due to their growing up in conditions we can hardly imagine, due to the lack of guidance in their crucial ges of growth and also their continuous struggle to meet ends and with all these study also and that too in homes where quite atmosphere may be a luxury. In spite of all these handicaps it is heartening to note that there is determination in most of them to make something of their lives. To become someone. To grow so that their next generation doesn't have to see and stay in the conditions in which they are growing up. An excellent sign.

They always have to stuggle to meet ends. If someone comes along and provides some sort of succor, in any form, believe me, they will be greatful all through their lives. This healing balm can come in the form of financial assistance to help them to tide over the problem of paying their yearly fees. Our Trust is doing precisely that. Obviously we cannot meet the complete requirement. We are trying our best. In the process we can only, at present, pay part of their fees requirement. For the eighty students whom we have provided financial assistance this year till now, the total amount is more than six lakhs. And we continue to get more requests for assistance.

Donations are always welcome. As our website says - Giving if Life. When we donate to a worthy cause you become a part of the process of uplifting the world. However small it may be. Every drop counts. 

The list of the Awardees follows ( the list also includes the students who were provided assistance in January 2016 ) :

F A 2015.xlsx (22625)


